Thursday, March 11, 2010


The top one on this page i like alot. I ran with the idea of how the skeleton is heirachaly, with big and small bones. There are big n small spaces to indicate this. I have kept it symmetrical because the skeleton is symetrical. The main access is also through the centre, much like the spinal cord. There are many other reason i choose this also. I also did small circular spaces for love since love if a never ending cycle (like a circle). This section is not 100% as i would have the spaces, touching, but not all in alignment.

I like the bottom one in this set of drawings. The Skeleton for the above reasons and the beams because it is a very odd space. I think i may have taken this too literal and a bit worried. I have included flat areas where the work space will be. All the beams will be all different directions, hence not all will be seen like this in the section. I would enclose the workspaces by placeing glass around it within the gaps of the beams (dont know how to explain it so sorry if you dont understand).

I previously liked the second the most, due to its abstract nature, however worried about how literal it is, so now leaning towards the first.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott,
    I would suggest the second one: Beam/Skeleton.
    Currently the love section doesn't seem very loving.
    The beams may be a bit literal but it does allow for development and also has an intersesting relationship to skeleton as they are both concerned with structure and support.
    On that note, the skeleton sections should differ from drawing to drawing as the relationships between each word combination would influence how they relate to each other.
    Skeleton with love, for example, might take on a more embracing and supportive role whereas Skeleton with beam might be more structured and industrial.
    I think skeleton in both cases could be taken further by focusing on different aspects to suit the word it is paired with. Ideas such as heirachy, structure, support, branching, etc might suit beam more than loving or vice versa which would change how you draw each one but also help you develop the concepts behind them.
    Let me know if anything (or everything) of that was unclear.
